David Martine Art Gallery
Giclee Editions and Original Paintings and Commissions
» Feb 12, 2025
David Martine
Waukus, the Shinnecock Flute Player And Daughter
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Portraits and Commissioned Portraits
Book Illustrations
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"The Peaceful People and the First Nations Mural"
"The Peaceful People and the First Nations Mural" guide
20180701 221716
20200501 194654
A Rose Harvest
Alice O. Martinez, Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Amerinda play - Trojan Women,stage set
Amerinda play- Trojan Women,stage set
Amerinda play-Trojan Women, stage set
Amerinda Theater p;roductionof Soledad stage set, Theater for the New City
Amerinda Theater production of Soledad, stage set
Amerinda Theater production of Soledad, stage set
Amerinda Theater production of Soledad, Theater for the New City
Apache warriors, gouache on paper
Apache warriors, lance attack on horseback
Apache warriors, oil on canvas
Apache warriors, vaquero, oil on canvas - not availabe as giclee
Apache wars, gouache on board
Apache wars, gouache on board
Apache wars, horseback, gouache on paper
Apache women warriors, gouache on paper
Archaic Period Mural, detail, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Archaic Period Mural, detail, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Archaic Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel
Archaic Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel
Archaic Period, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Atlantean dwellings, 10,000 years B.C.
Beach Cedars - Southampton, N.Y.
Bob Vetter, 1980’s, Oil on canvas
Bob’s Beach House
Bob’s Fish House
Bob’s Fish House-interior
Boxing Image 1, 2013, Oil on canvas
Boxing Image 2, 2013, Oil on canvas
Capital city of Caiphul on the continent of Atlantis, 10,000 B.C.
Capture Ll
Capture Pp
Charles Martine Sr. , Chiricahua Apache Scout
Charles Martine, pastel on paper, late 1980;s
Charles Martine, Sr.
Charles Martine, St. Chiricahua Apache, oil on canvas board
Charles Sumner Bunn, 1980’s, pastel on paper
Chato - Chiricahua Apache Scout
Chihuahua - Chief of The Chiricahuas
Chiricahua Apache portraits, FSA poster
Contemplating his destiny, the ancient continent of Poseid (Atlantis)
Coopers Beach - Southampton N.Y.
Cornfield, Woodland Period
Cosmic Angel
Country Dwellers in the city: Atlantis, 10,000 years, B.C.
Cowboy wrangler, oil on canvas, not available as giclee
Dadezhti, Chiricahua Apache Woman Warrior
Dank Pharoah, acrylic on canvas board, not available as giclee
Dank Pharoah, acrylic on canvs board not available as giclee
David Pharaoh - Montauk Leader, Ca. 19th Century
Doing Laundry
Electric cavern transportation, Atlantis
Electric trams and tourists, Atlantis, 10,000 B.C.
Electric transportation, Continent of Atlantis
Explosion in the gold mine: Atlantis, 10,000 years B.C.
Foreman, Oil on canvas, early 2000’s
Geronimo - At Fort Still
Geronimo - Chiricahua Apache War Leader/Medicine Man 1829-1909
Geronimo 2
Gouyen - Chiricahua Apache Woman Warrior
Historic Period, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Historical Period, oil on Masonite panel
Horseback, acrylic on canvas
Illustration from children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Image thought for years to be Victorio - Warm Springs Chiricahua Apache Chief 1820-1880
Jesus’ missing years in India
Jesus’ missing years in India #2
June Meeting 1879, exhibition banner
June Meeting 1879, oil on canvas
June Meeting 1879, oil on canvas
June Meeting, 1872,
Jungle Road
Kuanyin - Goddess Of Mercy
Kwan Yin with Blue Crown
Kwan Yin with Blue Sash
Lamp to the Future, oil on canvas
Late Afternoon Rest
Loco - Warm Springs Chiricahua Apache Chief 1823-1909
Lundberg, Oil on canvas, 2000’s
Manatacut - Shinnecock Sachem - CA, 1640
Mandush - Shinnecock Sachem - CA, 1640
Mangas - Son of Chief Mangas Coloradas
Marjorie Martinez, 1990’s, Oil on canvas
Mocomanto - Shinnecock Sachem - Ca. 1640
Morning Prayer At Shinnecock
Mr. Jennings - Copy
Mr.& Mrs. Charles Ashman, 1990’s, Oil on canvas
Mural in studio
Mural installation, "Northern Migration" Southampton African American Museum
Naiche - Chiricahua Apache Chief - Son of Cochise 1856-1921
Nana - Great Warrior - 1800-1896 Chiricahua Apache
Native woman, mixed media,
New York Botanical Gardens Greenhouse
Noche, thought for years to be image of Taza, son of Cochise, Chiricahua Apache leader
Northern Migration for Southampton African American Museum in studio
Northern Plains Woman
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1990’s
Oil on canvas, 1990’s
Oil on canvas, 1990’s
Oil on canvas, 1990’s
Oil on canvas, 1990’s
Oil on canvas, early 2000’s
Oil on canvas, early 2000’s
Oil on canvas, early 2000’s
Oil on canvas, early 2000’s
Oil on canvas, late 1980’s
Oil on canvas, late 1990’s
Oil on cavnas. 1990’s
Old Blue Boat
Old Fishing Shack - Southampton, N.Y.
Oscar Smith Bunn study portrait for Comission
Oscar Smith Bunn, oil on canvas - not available as giclee
Osceola Bunn Martinez, Helen Bunn Hendricks, oil on canvas
Palace at Agacoe: Capital of Atlantis
Paleo Period, oil on Masonite panel
Paleo-Period, second verion, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Palio-period detail
Palio-period, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Pastel on paper, 1980’s
Pastel on paper, 1980’s
Pen and ink illustration from "Time And Memories"
Pen and ink illustration from book: "Time and Memories"
Pen and ink illustrations for publication: "Time and Memories"
Pen and ink illustrations from book: "Time and Memories"
Powdawe -Shinnecock Whale Hunt of the 17 Century
Quashawam - Ca. 17th Century - Daughter of Wyandanch
Reading Room
Roof Terrace, Palace at Agacoe, Atlantis
Sag Harbor
Sag Harbor dock, oil on acrylic on canvas, not available as giclee
Sag Harbor, N.Y. #1
Sag Harbor, N.Y. #2
Sag Harbor, N.Y. #3
Seeker of gold in the mountain country of Atlantis
Shinnecock Ceremony CA - 1750
Shinnecock Golf Club Second Version For Ray Tureski
Shinnecock Hills Golf Club, Southampton, New York
Shinnecock Homecoming
Shinnecock Indian Man - 18th Century
Shinnecock Indian Man - Ca. 18th Century #2
Shinnecock Legacy of the Sea
Shinnecock Potedaup (Whale) Ceremony - 17th Century
Shinnecock Whaling ceremony
Shinnecock Woman of the 17th Century
Southampton African American Museum opening exhibition
Southampton African Museum mural drawing layout
Southampton, New York
Spanish guitar, gouache on illustration board
St. Francis
Stephanson, 1980’s, pastel on paper
Steven Talkhouse Pharoah - Montuak Leader, Ca. 19th Century
Study painting for Conscience Point mural
Sylvestor Pharaoh, Montauk Tribal Leader
The Boat House
The Palace at Agacoe: Atlantis, 10,000 B.C.
The seeker of Destiny #1: Atlantis
The Shaman
Tibetan monks oil on masonite
Transitional Period, Orient Culture, Long Island,oil on Masonite panel
Tsekan, Chiricahua Apache Woman Warrior
Turbulent Seas
Twilight Mood
Twin souls, Atlantis and the vailx airships, 10,000 B.C.
Untitiled - Children’s book illustration sample
Untitled - Children’s book cover illustration - sample
Untitled - From Children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled - Illustration from Children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled illustration from "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled illustration from children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled illustration from children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled: illustration for children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porquipine"
Ute man, 19th century, pastel on paper, not available as giclee
Ute Woman, oil on canvas board, not available as giclee
Vailx airships over the Capital of the continent of Atlantis
Waukus and Daughter, oil on canvas
Waukus, the Shinnecock Flute Player And Daughter
Western Art Apache wars vaquero
Western Art Texas cattle ranch
Western art wrangler
Western Art, Apache Wars, Gouache
Western Art, Apache Wars, Vaquero
Western art, Jessie
Western Art, vaqueros
Whirlwind, Cheyenne, pastel on paper, not available as giclee
Wolfe, Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Woodland Period detail
Woodland period detail
Woodland Period full mural design
Woodland Period, detail
Woodland Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel
Woodland Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel
Woodland Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel
Woodland Period, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Wrangler, oil on canvs
Wyandanch - Montauk Sachem, Ca. 17th Century
David Martine
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Dank Pharoah, acrylic on canvs board not available as giclee
Dank Pharoah, acrylic on canvas board, not available as giclee
Oscar Smith Bunn, oil on canvas - not available as giclee
Historical Period, oil on Masonite panel
Woodland Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel
Woodland Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel
Woodland Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel
Archaic Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel
Archaic Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel
Transitional Period, Orient Culture, Long Island,oil on Masonite panel
Paleo Period, oil on Masonite panel
Sag Harbor dock, oil on acrylic on canvas, not available as giclee
Spanish guitar, gouache on illustration board
Study painting for Conscience Point mural
Whirlwind, Cheyenne, pastel on paper, not available as giclee
Ute man, 19th century, pastel on paper, not available as giclee
Ute Woman, oil on canvas board, not available as giclee
Apache warriors, oil on canvas
Horseback, acrylic on canvas
Cowboy wrangler, oil on canvas, not available as giclee
Charles Martine, St. Chiricahua Apache, oil on canvas board
Oscar Smith Bunn study portrait for Comission
Apache warriors, lance attack on horseback
Apache warriors, gouache on paper
Apache women warriors, gouache on paper
Apache wars, horseback, gouache on paper
Apache warriors, vaquero, oil on canvas - not availabe as giclee
Amerinda Theater p;roductionof Soledad stage set, Theater for the New City
Amerinda Theater production of Soledad, Theater for the New City
Amerinda Theater production of Soledad, stage set
Amerinda Theater production of Soledad, stage set
Southampton African American Museum opening exhibition
Native woman, mixed media,
Amerinda play- Trojan Women,stage set
Amerinda play - Trojan Women,stage set
Amerinda play-Trojan Women, stage set
June Meeting 1879, oil on canvas
June Meeting 1879, exhibition banner
June Meeting 1879, oil on canvas
Chiricahua Apache portraits, FSA poster
Mural installation, "Northern Migration" Southampton African American Museum
Sag Harbor
Lamp to the Future, oil on canvas
Waukus and Daughter, oil on canvas
20200501 194654
Wrangler, oil on canvs
Mural in studio
Osceola Bunn Martinez, Helen Bunn Hendricks, oil on canvas
Southampton African Museum mural drawing layout
Tibetan monks oil on masonite
Apache wars, gouache on board
Apache wars, gouache on board
20180701 221716
Western Art, Apache Wars, Gouache
Northern Migration for Southampton African American Museum in studio
Charles Martine, Sr.
Mr. Jennings - Copy
Western Art, Apache Wars, Vaquero
Western art, Jessie
Western art wrangler
Western Art Apache wars vaquero
Western Art, vaqueros
Western Art Texas cattle ranch
Shinnecock Golf Club Second Version For Ray Tureski
Shinnecock Hills Golf Club, Southampton, New York
New York Botanical Gardens Greenhouse
Reading Room
Bob’s Fish House-interior
Capture Pp
Jungle Road
Capture Ll
Bob’s Beach House
Bob’s Fish House
Woodland Period, detail
Woodland period detail
Woodland Period full mural design
Shinnecock Whaling ceremony
June Meeting, 1872,
Paleo-Period, second verion, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Historic Period, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Cornfield, Woodland Period
Woodland Period detail
Palio-period detail
Palio-period, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Archaic Period Mural, detail, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Archaic Period Mural, detail, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Archaic Period, Shinnecock Nation Museum
Woodland Period, Shinnecock Nation Museum
"The Peaceful People and the First Nations Mural" guide
"The Peaceful People and the First Nations Mural"
Pen and ink illustrations for publication: "Time and Memories"
Pen and ink illustrations from book: "Time and Memories"
Pen and ink illustration from book: "Time and Memories"
Pen and ink illustration from "Time And Memories"
Illustration from children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled: illustration for children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porquipine"
Untitled illustration from children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled illustration from children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled - Illustration from Children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled illustration from "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled - From Children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitiled - Children’s book illustration sample
Untitled - Children’s book cover illustration - sample
Oil on canvas, early 2000’s
Charles Martine, pastel on paper, late 1980;s
Oil on canvas, late 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Pastel on paper, 1980’s
Lundberg, Oil on canvas, 2000’s
Mr.& Mrs. Charles Ashman, 1990’s, Oil on canvas
Alice O. Martinez, Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Marjorie Martinez, 1990’s, Oil on canvas
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Wolfe, Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1990’s
Oil on cavnas. 1990’s
Oil on canvas, 1990’s
Oil on canvas, early 2000’s
Oil on canvas, 1990’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Foreman, Oil on canvas, early 2000’s
Bob Vetter, 1980’s, Oil on canvas
Stephanson, 1980’s, pastel on paper
Charles Sumner Bunn, 1980’s, pastel on paper
Pastel on paper, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, early 2000’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, early 2000’s
Oil on canvas, late 1990’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1980’s
Oil on canvas, 1990’s
Boxing Image 1, 2013, Oil on canvas
Boxing Image 2, 2013, Oil on canvas
Oil on canvas, 1990’s
Roof Terrace, Palace at Agacoe, Atlantis
Atlantean dwellings, 10,000 years B.C.
Electric cavern transportation, Atlantis
Palace at Agacoe: Capital of Atlantis
Seeker of gold in the mountain country of Atlantis
Electric trams and tourists, Atlantis, 10,000 B.C.
Vailx airships over the Capital of the continent of Atlantis
Twin souls, Atlantis and the vailx airships, 10,000 B.C.
Electric transportation, Continent of Atlantis
Contemplating his destiny, the ancient continent of Poseid (Atlantis)
The seeker of Destiny #1: Atlantis
Explosion in the gold mine: Atlantis, 10,000 years B.C.
Capital city of Caiphul on the continent of Atlantis, 10,000 B.C.
The Palace at Agacoe: Atlantis, 10,000 B.C.
Country Dwellers in the city: Atlantis, 10,000 years, B.C.
Kwan Yin with Blue Crown
Kwan Yin with Blue Sash
Jesus’ missing years in India
Cosmic Angel
St. Francis
Jesus’ missing years in India #2
Wyandanch - Montauk Sachem, Ca. 17th Century
Sylvestor Pharaoh, Montauk Tribal Leader
Steven Talkhouse Pharoah - Montuak Leader, Ca. 19th Century
Quashawam - Ca. 17th Century - Daughter of Wyandanch
Mocomanto - Shinnecock Sachem - Ca. 1640
Mandush - Shinnecock Sachem - CA, 1640
Manatacut - Shinnecock Sachem - CA, 1640
David Pharaoh - Montauk Leader, Ca. 19th Century
The Shaman
Kuanyin - Goddess Of Mercy
Sag Harbor, N.Y. #3
Coopers Beach - Southampton N.Y.
Southampton, New York
Shinnecock Indian Man - 18th Century
Shinnecock Indian Man - Ca. 18th Century #2
Late Afternoon Rest
Geronimo - At Fort Still
Northern Plains Woman
A Rose Harvest
Shinnecock Homecoming
Beach Cedars - Southampton, N.Y.
Shinnecock Ceremony CA - 1750
Sag Harbor, N.Y. #1
Twilight Mood
Shinnecock Potedaup (Whale) Ceremony - 17th Century
Morning Prayer At Shinnecock
The Boat House
Turbulent Seas
Powdawe -Shinnecock Whale Hunt of the 17 Century
Sag Harbor, N.Y. #2
Old Blue Boat
Waukus, the Shinnecock Flute Player And Daughter
Shinnecock Legacy of the Sea
Old Fishing Shack - Southampton, N.Y.
Doing Laundry
Charles Martine Sr. , Chiricahua Apache Scout
Loco - Warm Springs Chiricahua Apache Chief 1823-1909
Nana - Great Warrior - 1800-1896 Chiricahua Apache
Mangas - Son of Chief Mangas Coloradas
Shinnecock Woman of the 17th Century
Chato - Chiricahua Apache Scout
Image thought for years to be Victorio - Warm Springs Chiricahua Apache Chief 1820-1880
Naiche - Chiricahua Apache Chief - Son of Cochise 1856-1921
Gouyen - Chiricahua Apache Woman Warrior
Geronimo 2
Tsekan, Chiricahua Apache Woman Warrior
Geronimo - Chiricahua Apache War Leader/Medicine Man 1829-1909
Chihuahua - Chief of The Chiricahuas
Noche, thought for years to be image of Taza, son of Cochise, Chiricahua Apache leader
Dadezhti, Chiricahua Apache Woman Warrior
All giclee prints come with certificates of authenticity.
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