David Martine Art Gallery
Giclee Editions and Original Paintings and Commissions

  » Feb 06, 2025  


David Martine

Historical Period, oil on Masonite panel Woodland Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel Woodland Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel Woodland Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel Archaic Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel Archaic Period, detail, oil on Masonite panel Transitional Period, Orient Culture, Long Island,oil on Masonite panel
Paleo Period, oil on Masonite panel Study painting for Conscience Point mural Amerinda Theater p;roductionof Soledad stage set, Theater for the New City Amerinda Theater production of Soledad, Theater for the New City Amerinda Theater production of Soledad, stage set Amerinda Theater production of Soledad, stage set Southampton African American Museum opening exhibition

This mural was done in oil on Masonite panel. It is 8ft. X 12ft. and was a commemorative piece for the Quaker Church - depicting the connections between Native Americans and the Quaker Church.


Sag Harbor dock, oil on acrylic on canvas, not available as giclee Spanish guitar, gouache on illustration board Apache warriors, oil on canvas Horseback, acrylic on canvas Cowboy wrangler, oil on canvas, not available as giclee Apache warriors, lance attack on horseback Apache warriors, gouache on paper
Apache women warriors, gouache on paper Apache wars, horseback, gouache on paper Apache warriors, vaquero, oil on canvas - not availabe as giclee Sag Harbor Lamp to the Future, oil on canvas Waukus and Daughter, oil on canvas 20200501 194654

These landscapes were done of places from the east end of Long Island primarily. The originals were done in oil on canvas.

 Portraits and Commissioned Portraits

Portraits and Commissioned Portraits
Dank Pharoah, acrylic on canvs board not available as giclee Dank Pharoah, acrylic on canvas board, not available as giclee Oscar Smith Bunn, oil on canvas - not available as giclee Whirlwind, Cheyenne, pastel on paper, not available as giclee Ute man, 19th century, pastel on paper, not available as giclee Ute Woman, oil on canvas board, not available as giclee Charles Martine, St. Chiricahua Apache, oil on canvas board
Oscar Smith Bunn study portrait for Comission Native woman, mixed media, Chiricahua Apache portraits, FSA poster Osceola Bunn Martinez, Helen Bunn Hendricks, oil on canvas Charles Martine, Sr. Mr. Jennings - Copy Charles Martine, pastel on paper, late 1980;s

These commissioned portraits of samples of past work done in oil on canvas.


Tibetan monks oil on masonite Kwan Yin with Blue Crown Kwan Yin with Blue Sash Jesus’ missing years in India Cosmic Angel St. Francis Jesus’ missing years in India #2
Kuanyin - Goddess Of Mercy

These originals were done in oil on canvas of spiritual personages of interest to the artist.

 Book Illustrations

Book Illustrations
Pen and ink illustrations for publication: "Time and Memories" Pen and ink illustrations from book: "Time and Memories" Pen and ink illustration from book: "Time and Memories" Pen and ink illustration from "Time And Memories" Illustration from children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine" Untitled: illustration for children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porquipine" Untitled illustration from children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine"
Untitled illustration from children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine" Untitled - Illustration from Children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine" Untitled illustration from "Would You Hug A Porqupine" Untitled - From Children’s book: "Would You Hug A Porqupine" Untitiled - Children’s book illustration sample Untitled - Children’s book cover illustration - sample Roof Terrace, Palace at Agacoe, Atlantis

These original illustrations were done in oil on canvas and pen and ink on paper. They are samples of past work for publications.



All giclee prints come with certificates of authenticity.

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